Our experiences have made us who we are.
The Valencia CF Innovation Hub is the umbrella that collects all the innovative initiatives that take place within the club, with a commitment to supporting young entrepreneurs. The city of Valencia has become the ideal place for the development of large projects, and we, as one of the most important entities in the community, want to support all those young entrepreneurs whose projects can form part of our plans for the future.
Our innovation programme aims to promote those projects that have already got underway and are in the process of growth and expansion.
The main objectives of the Innovation Hub are: To support young talents in Valencia and their promising companies/startups, to be ambassadors and show commitment to Valencian companies, and to lead the club to be at the forefront of technological innovation.
Innovation, Sports and Technology
Whether your project is purely medical based or if it combines technology with any other practice, we want to meet you. We have four basic working pillars: Medicine, Academy, Smart Stadium and Fan Engagement. Choose yours and join us.
Medical innovation affects everybody in the world, promising new ways to prevent, diagnose and monitor health problems, as well as new drugs and devices to address the treatment of diseases and cure them. Medical innovation also involves enriching knowledge and transforming existing business models and processes, so that they better meet changing needs and expectations.
With the proliferation of more and more information about football, the exposure and relevance of younger footballers has grown rapidly, especially in recent years. Nowadays, football methodologies have to be much more precise and personalised, digital football tools and applications have to be much more efficient and players need comprehensive development, and for this reason all devices must be cutting-edge and professionals must update their skills and knowledge regularly. The possibilities for academies to innovate, as well as the ever-increasing challenges, are limitless.
Smart Stadium
In a hyper-connected world like the current one, it is necessary to adapt to new technologies that allow better connectivity within the stadium and use the mobile as a second screen while attending the game. The method of access to the stadium is also something that is changing, as well as the forms of payment at the points of sale, even offering pick-up or delivery services at the seat to avoid queues. Nor should we forget caring for the environment, a stadium with so much public flow requires being ecologically efficient. Ultimately, the goal is for everyone who attends Mestalla to keep an indelible memory.
Fan Engagement
Consumption habits have changed. Now there is information and content available at practically all hours, every day: Training sessions, press conferences, interviews, pre-game, post-game. Generation Z -those born after 1995- are the biggest media consumers ever. In this vertical, we are looking for companies that are able to take advantage of new transversal technologies such as Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and Blockchain, to adapt them to the world of football and bring the show closer to the spectator from other points of view.